SPEAKER 1:Professor Carlo Semenza (Department of Neurosciences, University of Padova, Italy)
TOPIC:Math education at both ends of life in normality and pathology
SPEAKER 2:Professor Brian Butterworth (Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, UK)
TOPIC:The science of dyscalculia
TIME:2017.8.31 (四) 2-4 PM
LOCATION:Administration Building 7th Floor, Room 2, NCCU
SPEAKER:Professor Pekka Räsänen (Niilo Mäki Institute, Finland)
TOPIC:Reflections from the Finnish educational system based on the national longitudinal data: Effects of educational decisions on the skills and attitudes of the poor performers in mathematics
與談人:Professor Brian Butterworth (Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, UK)
TIME:2017.9.5 (二) 10-12 AM
LOCATION:Administration Building 7th Floor, Room 2, NCCU