語言與大腦實驗室網站 / Language & Brain Lab website: www.yaoyinglai.com
語言與大腦實驗室旨在探究:人類如何了解語言中所表達的概念意義,以及在即時語言處理(real-time language processing)的歷程中,所涉及的認知與腦神經機制。
Language & Brain Lab aims to examine the neurocognitive mechanisms of real-time language processing via an interdisciplinary and multidimensional approach, incorporating perspectives of linguistics, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience. Our research seeks to understand how the human cognitive systems and the brain work to obtain the meaning of linguistic expressions. We implement theoretically-driven experimental investigations, using various behavioral and neurological techniques (e.g., fMRI, self-paced reading, questionnaires, eye-tracking), grounded on linguistics and cognitive neuroscience, in order to obtain a more comprehensive picture of human language comprehension.