姓名 |
時間 |
篇名 |
書名 |
黃子權 |
2015 |
Prosodically determined blocking of tone spread in Shanghai. |
Capturing Phonological Shades within and across Languages |
姓名 |
時間 |
發表題目 |
期刊名稱 |
徐宏欣 | 2020 | 〈要,不要「呢」?疑問句構與篇章功能的互動〉 |
《華語文教學研究》第四期 |
葉侃彧(與徐嘉慧老師、張葶葶老師合著) |
2020 |
Neural correlates of the processing of self-adaptors, emblems, and iconic gestures with speech: an fMRI study |
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience |
葉侃彧(與徐嘉慧老師、李佳穎老師、趙培均同學合著) |
2018 |
Semantic processing of self-adaptors, emblems, and iconic gestures: An ERP study |
Journal of Neurolinguistics(SSCI ,SCIE) |
劉曉蒨 |
2017 |
探究客語「過」動趨結構之位移事件 |
Modern Linguistics (現代語言學) |
葉侃彧、(與黃瓊之老師合著) |
2016 |
Mandarin-speaking children's use of the discourse markers hao ‘okay’ and dui ‘right’ in peer interaction. |
Language Sciences |
凌旺楨 |
2015 |
Circular tonal chain shifts in Jiaoxian compound words |
Languages & Linguistics(語言暨語言學) |
葉秋杏(與賴惠玲老師合著) |
2014 |
Modal Development of pa3 in Taiwanese Hakka: Grammaticalization and Subjectification (臺灣客語「怕」之情態演變—語法化與主觀化之觀點) |
Chinese Studies (漢學研究) |
呂明昌 |
2013 |
Modeling Salience and Prosody in Loanword Adaption: Cases of English 【ɹ】 in Mandarin |
Concentric |
宋凱琳 |
2012 |
Constraints Ranking of Language and Music Harmony: an example from Guanju in Shijing (詩樂合一的限制與排序:以《詩經˙關雎》為例 |
華語文教學研究 |
李詩敏(與賴惠玲老師合著) |
2011 |
Chinese Studies (漢學研究) |
李詩敏 |
2011 |
Hakka aspectual ted4 constructions: A constructional approach |
International Journal of Language Studies (IJLS) |
陳菘霖 |
2011 |
漢語動詞「吃」從行動到蒙受意涵的發展-兼論詞彙化分類 |
華語文教學與研究 |
陳菘霖 |
2011 |
漢語縮略詞構詞規律的社會心理實證性 |
中國社會語言學 |
陳菘霖 |
2011 |
「所以」的歷史演變 |
南大語言文化學報 第七期第二卷 |
(與曹逢甫老師合著) |
2011 |
漢語動詞「生」的語意發展 |
台灣華語文教學研究 第一期 |
李詩敏(與賴惠玲老師合著) |
2010 |
Hakka corpus: Construction and Application (客語語料庫的建構及應用) |
Post-conference Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Hakka Studies (客語千秋:第八屆國際客方言學術研討會論文集) |
陳菘霖 |
2010 |
從「目前」看「眼前」--語義泛化與形式結構 |
中國語文研究 香港中文大學 第一期 |
陳郁彬 |
2008 |
Mandarin-Speaking Children's Distal Demonstrative in Conversational Discourse |
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics |
強舒媺(與賴惠玲老師合著) |
2007 |
Grammaticalization and beyond-The invisible space behind the body-part term boi'back'(背) in Hakka |
清華學報 |
姓名 |
時間 |
發表題目 |
會議名稱 |
陳宇倫(與黃瓊之老師共同發表) | 2024.5 | Do abstraction and simulation mechanisms engage in nominal metaphor processing by EFL learners? | The 11th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (CLDC 11) |
傅怡萱(與黃瓊之老師共同發表 | 2024.5 | The Comprehension of Figurative Expression of L2 Arabic learners: A Case Study of Ain ‘the Eye’ | The 11th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (CLDC 11) |
徐宏欣(與何萬順老師共同發表 | 2022.4 | Numeral Classifiers in Niger-Congo Languages Revisited | Annual Conference on African Linguistics 53(online) |
陳怡臻 | 2021.11 | Opaque OCPs in Longkou Disyllabic Tone Sandhi | West Coast Conference on Linguistics(online) |
葉侃彧(與黃瓊之老師共同發表) | 2021.11 | Verbal/non-verbal referential acts and information status in Mandarin-speaking children’s conversation | The 46th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 46)(online) |
徐宏欣 | 2021.6 | Les cas de doubles adverbes initiaux, comme aussi peut-être, en construction inversée du sujet-verbe (The study of subject-verb inversion in a construction of double initial adverbs, such as aussi peut-être.) |
Le colloque annuel de l'AFLS 2020-21: Le français d'aujourd'hui, entre discours et usage.(online) |
徐宏欣 | 2020.11 | Crosslinguistic influences on relative clause parsing: Evidence for transfer from L3 French to L2 English | National Conference on Linguistics, NCL |
徐宏欣 | 2020.10 | 台灣閩南語及台灣華語中共有分類詞之對比分析 | 第十三屆台灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會(IsTLT-13) |
陳怡臻 | 2020.9 | The Moraic Structure of Mandarin Contractions |
The 32nd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-32)(online) |
徐宏欣 | 2020.05 | 〈助詞「呢」之分析-疑問句構與篇章功能的互動〉 | The 21st Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW2020)(online) |
陳怡臻(與蕭宇超老師共同發表 | 2020.4 | Phonological Opacity in Leling Disyllabic Tone Sandhi | Northwest Linguistics Conference (NWLC 2020)(online) |
陳怡臻(與蕭宇超老師共同發表) | 2020.4 | Opacity in Leling Trisyllabic Tone Sandhi | The fifty-sixth annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society(online) |
許筱翎(與賴惠玲老師及劉吉軒老師共同發表) |
2019.08 |
ECONOMY metaphors in political discourse/*Poster session |
The 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-15) |
陳怡臻(與蕭宇超老師共同發表) |
2019.07 |
Simplifying the Complexities in Shandong Leling Tone Sandhi |
The 12th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL-12) |
許筱翎(與賴惠玲老師及劉吉軒老師老師共同發表 |
2019.06 |
Metaphor scenarios and framing strategies in political discourse in Taiwan on the concept of democracy |
The 16th International Pragmatics Conference (IPrA-16) |
陳怡臻 | 2019.6 | Taiwan Mandarin Tone Sandhi: Variation of the Intonational Phrasing in Fast Speech | The 29th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-29) |
許筱翎(與賴惠玲老師及劉吉軒老師老師共同發表 |
2019.05 |
Metaphor structures and profiling strategies in political discourse on the concept of democracy |
The 27th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-27) 國際中國語言學會第二十七屆年會 |
葉侃彧(與徐嘉惠老師、張葶葶老師共同發表) |
2019.03 |
The bimodal processing of self-adaptors, emblems, and iconic gestures with speech: An fMRI study. |
The 26th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2019) |
葉侃彧(與黃瓊之老師共同發表 |
2018.12 |
Influences of learner’s L2 English on their conceptualization of time in L1 Mandarin |
The International Conference on Linguistics 2018 |
黃子權 |
2018.10 |
Tonal Neutralization of Function Words across Chinese Dialects |
International Conference on Tone and Intonation: TIE2018 |
凌旺楨 |
2018.10 |
The Output-to-output Tonal Correspondence in Language and Music. |
International Conference on Tone and Intonation: TIE2018 |
凌旺楨 |
2018.09 |
The Competition between Contour and Register Correspondence in Music-to-Language Perception: Evidence from Mandarin Child Songs |
The 51st International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 51) 第五十一屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
陳怡臻 |
2018.06 |
How Acoustic Cues and Syntax Matter in Intonational Phrase Boundary Perception |
2018 LSK Summer International Conference |
凌旺楨 |
2018.06 |
Child perception of Mandarin Songs: An Optimality Theory Analysis. |
ICPM7: The 7th International Conference on Phonology and Morphology |
陳怡臻 |
2018.06 |
Well-formedness of the International Phrase in Taiwan Mandarin |
ICPM7: The 7th International Conference on Phonology and Morphology |
許筱翎(與賴惠玲老師及劉吉軒老師老師共同發表 |
2018.05 |
Body-part metonymy and metonymy-based metaphor in Chinese: Evidence from a corpus-based study on body-part terms |
The 19th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW2018) 第十九屆漢語詞彙語義學研討會 |
陳怡臻 |
2018.04 |
Alliteration and rhyming in Mandarin onomatopoeia |
West Coast Conference on Linguistics |
葉侃彧(與徐嘉慧老師、李佳穎老師、趙培均同學合著) |
2018.03 |
Semantic processing of self-adaptors, emblems, and iconic gestures: An ERP study |
The 25th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS 2018) |
葉竺弦 |
2017.12 |
從構式語法談華語「把字句」與「對字句」 |
2017 International Annual Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language 第十六屆台灣華語文教學年會暨國際學術研討會 |
凌旺楨 |
2017.07 |
The Conformity of Language and Melody in Mandarin Children’s Song. |
The 40th annual PALA conference (PALA 2017) 國際詩學與語言學學會第37屆年會 |
呂明昌 |
2016.08 |
Encoding Lexical Variation in Loanword Adaptation: A Stochastic-OT Model |
The KALS&KACL Joint International Conference 2016 |
劉曉蒨 |
2016.07 |
語法化與詞彙化整合之觀點:臺灣客語之證據 |
The 11th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching (IsTLT-11) 第十一屆台灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會 |
黃子權(與蕭宇超老師合著) |
2016.07 |
聲調派典的類推性齊平化:以兩個客語次方言為例 |
The 11th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching (IsTLT-11) 第十一屆台灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會 |
凌旺楨 |
2016.05 |
Text-setting of Mandarin Tone in Children’s Song: A corpus Analysis |
The 28th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-28) 第二十八屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
黃子權 |
2016.05 |
I-R tonal Mapping: Evidence from the ‘Cute Talk’ Reduplication in Taiwan Mandarin |
The 28th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-28) 第二十八屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
葉侃彧 |
2015.11 |
Development of goal-plan in narratives of Mandarin-speaking children with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder |
The 40th Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 40) |
凌旺楨 |
2015.05 |
Circular Tonal Chain Shifts in Leling Pre-light Syllable Positions |
The 16th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第十六屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
凌旺楨 |
2014.05 |
Mandarin clipped words of government committees in Taiwan-An OT analysis |
The 22th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics and the 26th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-22/ NACCL-26) 國際中國語言學學會第二十二屆年會暨第二十六屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
呂明昌 |
2014.01 |
Phonetic Weight in Loanword Adaption: Applying Cue Constraints in Stochastic Evaluation |
2014 CUNY Phonology Forum: Conference on Weight in Phonetic and Phonology |
李詩敏 |
2013.10 |
華閩課標誌狀態改變之時貌構式的比較:語料庫觀點 |
The 63th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan 日本中国語学会第63回全国大会 |
葉秋杏 |
2013.10 |
A Multi-dimensional Study of the speculative adverbs giang1pa3 and gam2pa3 in Taiwanese Hakka |
The 63th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan 日本中国語学会第63回全国大会 |
葉秋杏 |
2013.09 |
Semantic development and pragmatic functions of the speculative adverbs: Cases from Taiwanese Hakka |
The Mini-workshop on Hakka Syntax and Semantics 客語語法語意小型工作坊 |
葉秋杏 |
2013.07 |
Psych-verbs in Sinitic Languages: Lexical Properties, Constructions and Speaker’s Epistemological Stances |
The 19th International Congress of Linguistics |
葉秋杏 |
2013.06 |
The emergence of the evaluative adverb ho2ded4 in Taiwan Hakka: An integrated approach of grammaticalization and lexicalization |
The 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-12) |
葉秋杏 |
2013.06 |
Metaphor in Hakka Proverbial Expressions: Specificity and Genericity of Cultural Constraints |
The 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-12) |
葉秋杏 |
2013.06 |
The Usage and Grammaticalization of Evaluative Modals in Taiwanese Hakka: A Corpus-based perspective |
The 21st Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-21) 國際中國語言學會第二十一屆年會 |
黃子權 |
2013.06 |
Checked tone sandhi in two Wu dialects |
The 21st Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-21) 國際中國語言學會第二十一屆年會 |
宋凱琳 |
2013.05 |
Nominal Stress of Spanish Loanwords in English: a Constrant-based Analysis |
第四屆理論音韻學國際研討會(TPC-4) |
林綠茜 |
2013.05 |
Tone Contraction in Old Ningpo |
第四屆理論音韻學國際研討會(TPC-4) |
呂明昌 |
2013.05 |
Effects of Position, Sonority, and Similarity on Loanword Adaptation: Cases of English Retroflex /r/ in Mandarin |
第四屆理論音韻學國際研討會(TPC-4) |
黃子權 |
2013.05 |
Pattern Substitution in Suzhou Tone Sandhi |
第四屆理論音韻學國際研討會(TPC-4) |
鄭智仁 |
2013.05 |
German truncations: a Stratal OT analysis |
第四屆理論音韻學國際研討會(TPC-4) |
凌旺楨 |
2013.05 |
Disyllabic and Trisyllabic Tone Sandhi in Leling |
第四屆理論音韻學國際研討會(TPC-4) |
林綠茜 |
2012.10 |
Tones Go with Rime in Syllable Contraction of Taiwan Min: an Optimality-Theoretic Analysis |
The 62nd Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan 日本中国語学会第62回全国大会 |
葉秋杏 |
2012.10 |
Modal development of ho2ded4 in Taiwan Hakka: Grammaticalization, Lexicalization and Subjectivity |
The 62nd Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan 日本中国語学会第62回全国大会 |
葉秋杏 |
2012.08 |
From Stability to Epistemic Certainty: A Cognitive Perspective |
Workshop on Cognition, Construction, and Language Teaching 認知、構式與語言教學工作坊 |
陳菘霖 |
2012.08 |
台灣閩南語"罔v"及"v罔v"的格式語意 |
The 20th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-20) 國際中國語言學會第二十屆年會 |
李詩敏 |
2012.08 |
Motion event-frames of Hakka go3 constructions: A corpus-based study |
The 20th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-20) 國際中國語言學會第二十屆年會 |
李詩敏 |
2012.08 |
運動事件框架的認知突顯:以臺灣客語「過」構式為例 |
Workshop on Cognition, Construction, and Language Teaching 認知、構式與語言教學工作坊 |
李詩敏 |
2012.08 |
Go3 constructions in Hakka: Windowing of paths in motion event-frame |
The 7th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-7) |
凌旺楨 |
2012.08 |
The Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Rizhao |
The 20th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-20) 國際中國語言學會第二十屆年會 |
葉秋杏 |
2012.07 |
The Multi-functions of tin7 in Taiwanese Hakka: Grammaticalization and Lexicalization |
The New Reflections on Grammaticalisation V (NRG-5) |
凌旺楨 |
2012.05 |
A Corpus-based Study on the Semantic Relatedness of the Mandarin Polysemous Word Xia1,‘Blind’ |
The 12th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第十二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
呂明昌 |
2012.05 |
A Stochastic-OT Account for English Liquid Codas in Mandarin |
The 12th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第十二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
呂明昌 |
2012 |
A Stochastic-OT Approach to Loanword Adaptation: Cases of Stop Codas in Mandarin Loanwords from English |
第三屆慈濟大學文學、語言學暨專業英語學術研討會 |
葉秋杏 |
2011.12 |
Logical Information Processing of Possibility and Negation: Cases from Taiwanese Hakka |
The 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 25) |
林綠茜 |
2011.11 |
The Preservation of Tones in Syllable Contraction of Taiwan Mandarin: an OT Analysis. |
Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 2011 |
葉秋杏 |
2011.10 |
A Mismatched mapping of possibility, necessity and negation: Cases from zo3-type and sii2-type modals in Taiwan Hakka |
The 61st Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan 日本中国語学会第61回全国大会 |
陳菘霖 |
2011.10 |
閩南語副詞「罔」b?N53的格式語意 |
第一屆漢語副詞研究學術研討會 |
呂明昌 |
2011.08 |
Retention or Deletion: A Stochastic OT Analysis of Consonant Adaption of English Loanwords in Mandarin |
Student Workshop on East Asian Linguistics 2011 (SWEAL 2011) |
李詩敏 |
2011.08 |
Gestural construuals of temporal concepts in Hakka) |
The 11th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-11) |
林綠茜 |
2011.06 |
The Tonal Preservation in Syllable Contraction of Taiwan Mandarin. |
The 19th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-19) 國際中國語言學會第十九屆年會 |
葉秋杏 |
2010.11 |
A Study on the development of grammatical functions and semantic investigation of the morpheme gam2 in Hakka |
The 60th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan 日本中国語学会第60回全国大会 |
李詩敏 |
2010.10 |
臺灣客語方言完成體與持續體之關係探索:語料庫為本的觀點 |
第九屆國際客家方言研討會 |
李詩敏 |
2010.09 |
Understanding and classifying the causal relations of Hakka causative bun1 constructions |
6th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-6) |
鄭智仁 |
2010.08 |
Minimality and maximality in Japanese loanword truncation |
The 6th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics |
鄭智仁 |
2010.08 |
Minimality and maximality in Japanese loanword truncation |
The 6th International Workshop on Theoretical East Asian Linguistics |
黃婉婷 |
2010.07 |
The Function of the word ‘mi’ in Yami (Tao) |
3L International Summer School Student Conference on Language Documentation and Description |
黃騭瑩 |
2010.06 |
Hemispheric processing of Chinese polysemy in the disyllabic verb/ noun compounds: an event-related potential study |
The 11th North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL) |
李詩敏 |
2010.5 |
客語兼表完成貌與持續貌「著」之探討:詞彙語意與構式互動的觀點 |
The 18th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics and the 22th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-18/ NACCL-22) 國際中國語言學學會第十八屆年會暨第二十二屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
葉秋杏 |
2010 |
The grammaticalization and lexicalization of Hakka pa3 construction: A corpus-based study |
The 9th International Conference of Hakka Dialects |
李詩敏 |
2009.11 |
再探客語「分」構式:致使式或被動式? |
The Mini-workshop on Interaction of Lexical Semantics and Constructions 詞彙語意與構式的互動小型工作坊 |
劉曉蒨 |
2009.11 |
客語「來+V」與「去+V」的構式體現 |
The Mini-workshop on Interaction of Lexical Semantics and Constructions 詞彙語意與構式的互動小型工作坊 |
葉秋杏 |
2009.11 |
From Psych Verb to Modal Verb:An Analysis of Hakka ‘pa3’ Constructions |
The Mini-workshop on Interaction of Lexical Semantics and Constructions 詞彙語意與構式的互動小型工作坊 |
葉秋杏 |
2009.10 |
Argument realization and transitivity of a family of da2 constructions in Hakka: A Construction Grammar account |
The 59th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan 日本中国語学会第59回全国大会 |
李詩敏 (與賴惠玲老師合著) |
2009.10 |
客語「過」構式句法及語意之衍變:跨範疇之觀點 |
The 59th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan 日本中国語学会第59回全国大会 |
劉曉蒨 |
2009.10 |
來去之間:談客語趨向詞「來」與「去」 |
The 59th Annual Conference of the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan 日本中国語学会第59回全国大会 |
李詩敏 |
2009.07 |
Interaction of aspect and construction: Evidence from the ted4 construction in Hakka |
The 17th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-17) 國際中國語言學會第十七屆年會 |
劉曉蒨 |
2009.01 |
The Coda-onset Assimilation in Diminutive Suffixation: Evidence from Hakka Dialects |
第二屆理論音韻學研討會暨2009研究生音韻學研討會 |
李詩敏 |
2008.11 |
客語語料庫的建構及應用 |
第八屆國際客方言研討會 |
李詩敏 |
2008.09 |
The pathway of semantic and morphosyntactic change of det4 (得) in Hakka |
The 7th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching (IsTLT-7) 第七屆臺灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會 |
李詩敏 |
2008.09 |
Variation of X det4 construction in Hakka |
The 5th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-5) |
李詩敏 |
2008.07 |
Sub-dialect contact and variation in Taiwan Hakka: A sociolinguistic analysis |
18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18) |
強舒媺 |
2008.07 |
Argument Realization in the Family of Potential Constructions in Hakka |
18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18) |
李詩敏 |
2008 |
Competition between dynamic modality and deontic modality |
The 8th International Conference on Tense, Aspect, Mood, and Modality |
強舒媺 |
2007.09 |
When 「falling」 is not completely driven by gravity: A family of V-lok8 (落) constructions in Hakka |
The 5th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL-5) 第五屆歐洲漢語語言學會學術研討會 |
陳菘霖 |
2007.09 |
台灣閩南語動詞「生」的語意分類 |
The 40th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 40) 第四十屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
李詩敏 |
2007.07 |
Rethinking gu3so2 in Hakka discourse: Rhetorical relations, dialogue acts and acoustic features) |
2007 Student Workshop on East Asian Linguistics (SWEAL 2007) |
強舒媺 |
2007.07 |
Evaluating and comparing in an implicit way: A case study of NP1 V NP2 m5 X constructions in Hakka |
The 10th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-10) |
李詩敏 |
2007.05 |
Hakka tet4 (忒) revisited: As a trigger for aspectual shift) |
The 8th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW2007) 第八屆國際漢語詞彙語義學研討會 |
李詩敏 |
2007.05 |
Discourse functions of gu3so2: Based on Hakka spoken data) |
The 1st Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition (CLDC-1) 第一屆語言、言談與認知學術研討會 |
陳郁彬 |
2007.05 |
The Syntactic Nature of Mandarin DE in V-DE-C Construction |
The 15th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics and the 19th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (IACL-15/ NACCL-19) 國際中國語言學學會第十五屆年會暨第十九屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
李詩敏 |
2007.01 |
客語x tet4 結構: 從構式語法角度分析 |
第七屆國際客方言研討會 |
陳菘霖 |
2007 |
台灣華語「差不多」和「差一點」的對比釋例 |
多元文化及語言研討會 |
強舒媺 |
2006.10 |
The polysemous morpheme bot2/fat2 發 in Hakka: Corpus-based and frame-based approach |
The 7th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW2006) 第七屆漢語詞彙語義學研討會 |
強舒媺 |
2006.09 |
A family of NP1 V NP2 m5 (毋) X constructions in Hakka |
The 4th International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-4) |
陳郁彬 |
2006.07 |
Mandarin-speaking children's request in mother-child conversations |
2006 Annual Meeting of the Australian Linguistic Society |
強舒媺 |
2006.05 |
The grammaticalization paths of den31 (等) in Hakka: Synchronic and diachronic perspective |
The 6th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching (IsTLT-6) 第六屆台灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會 |
強舒媺 |
2006.05 |
Hakka gin31 X gin31 Y (緊X緊Y) construction revisited: A constructional approach |
The 14th Annual Conference of the IACL (IACL-14) and the 10th International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics (IACL-14/ IsCLL-10) 第十四屆國際中國語言學學會年會暨第十屆中國境內語言暨語言學國際研討會聯合會議 |
強舒媺 |
2005.07 |
Exploring the invisible space? Grammaticalization path behind the body-part term boi55 (背) in Hakka |
The 6th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第六屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
胡碧嬋 |
2005.07 |
The Mountain is "Ours |
International Association of Forensic Linguists (IAFL) Conference |
強舒媺 |
2005.04 |
From verb to imperfective durative marker: A corpus-based study of the grammaticalization of Hakka DEN (等) |
The 6th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW2005) 第六屆漢語詞彙語義學研討會 |