姓名 |
時間 |
發表題目 |
會議名稱 |
黃靖涵、張瓊文、張瑜芸老師 | 2024.05 |
Ehhancing Machine Judgement Prediction in Copyright Civil Cases through Linguistic Features |
The 11th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (CLDC 11) |
王存慈、喻璞 | 2024.05 | Computational analysis of Mandarin puns: A phonetic feature-based detector | The 11th Conference on Language, Discourse, and Cognition (CLDC 11) |
喻璞(與萬依萍老師共同發表) | 2024.05 | 探討數學 EMI 教育之語言遲疑表現 | 2024 年台灣 數學教育學會年會暨第十六屆科技與數學教育國際學術研討會 (2024ICTME) |
陳莉平 (與莊家瑋共同發表) | 2024.03 | Unifying OR-distinction & Moraic Model: The Status of Prenuclear Glide | The 36th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics |
廖翊翔 (與莊家瑋共同發表) | 2024.03 | Motivation of Checked Tone Merger in TSM: Syllable Structure & Tonal Pattern | The 36th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics |
廖翊翔 | 2023.10 | 中部台語漳泉腔接觸下入聲調的混同現象 | The 24th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
余盈蓓、標云、張瑜芸老師 | 2023.10 | Sentence-Level Spoiler Detection with Linguistic Features | The 24th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
張瓊文 | 2023.10 | Does Vocabulary Teaching for Foreign Language Learners Refer to Prototypes? Insights from Spanish Vocabulary on Teaching Websites | The 24th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
張瓊文、黃靖涵 | 2023.10 | Clickbait Detection: Classifying News Headlines in Taiwanese Media from the Perspective of Linguistic Features | The 24th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
標云、余盈蓓、莊昊耘、張瑜芸老師 |
2023.7 | An Analysis on the Importance of Persuasion Strategies in Environmental-Oriented Online Crowdfunding Projects | Science and Information Conference |
梁永平(與林昆翰、Marc AllassonnièreTang 、何萬順老師共同發表) | 2022.12 | How the sortal concept developed in language: A Hypothesis of Numeral Systems, Numeral Classifiers, and Plural Markers | 第十三屆數位典藏與數位人文國際學術研討會(DADH2022) |
梁永平(與Hung-Hsin Hsu、 Marc AllassonnièreTang 、何萬順老師共同發表) | 2022.12 | Is It 'three hundred' or 'hundred three'? An Exploration of the Worldwide Distribution of Numeral Base Orders in Human Languages and Its Implications | 第十三屆數位典藏與數位人文國際學術研討會(DADH2022) |
梁永平(與Hung-Hsin Hsu 、Marc AllassonnièreTang 、何萬順老師共同發表) | 2022.12 | Early Humans Had Only Base-initial Numerals: A Hypothesis | 第十三屆數位典藏與數位人文國際學術研討會(DADH2022) |
徐翌珍 |
2022.10 |
Discrimination of Near-Synonyms “Steady” and “Stable” (Poster) |
The 23rd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
張瓊文 |
2022.10 |
Research on the COVID-19 epidemic words and sentiment words correlation Analysis (Poster) |
The 23rd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
徐宜君、譚欣 |
2022.10 |
Stress Detection on Social Media (Poster) |
The 23rd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
賴怡心 |
2022.10 |
Huǒ (火) as an adjective in Taiwan and China (Poster) |
The 23rd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
蔡宜庭 (與黃鈺倫, 張瑜芸老師, 劉吉軒老師合著) |
2022.10 |
Detecting hate speech against homosexuals on social media (偵測社群媒體中的同性戀仇恨言論) |
The 23rd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
標云、余盈蓓、莊昊耘 |
2022.10 |
An Analysis of Persuasive Strategies Used in Environmental Crowdfunding (群眾募資說服策略分析) |
The 23rd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
何孟青、蔡長祐 |
2022.10 |
Popular Comment Detection on Social Media: Taking Dcard for Example (社交媒體熱門留言偵測:以 Dcard 為例) |
The 23rd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
標云、余盈蓓、莊昊耘 | 2022.4 | Persuasion Strategies in Environmental-oriented Online Crowdfunding Projects | ICELLMC 2022 |
蔡宜庭、何孟青 | 2022.4 | Identifying Encouraging Discourse on Social Media | ICELLMC 2022 |
何孟青、徐宜君 |
2021.10 |
Hidden Advertorial Detection on Social Media in Chinese |
33rd annual Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing(第三十三屆自然語言與語音處理研討會)(online) |
賴怡心 |
2021.09 |
The process of the Spanish third person clitic pronouns and referent nouns: Evidence from an eye movement research(西文受詞代名詞與指涉名詞之眼動實驗之信息處理研究) |
VIII Jornadas de Iniciación a la Investigación en Lingüística (VIII INTRODUCTION TO LINGUISTIC RESEARCH CONFEFRENCE) (online ) |
葉德偉 |
2019.06 |
On some irregular pattern of syllable contraction in Taiwan Mandarin |
The 52nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 52) 第五十二屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
吳璐 |
2018.11 |
「尬聊」— 語用學視角下的「非禮貌」、「不合作」原則探討 |
The 19th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第十九屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
陳筑琬 |
2018.10 |
以語料庫為本:台灣語言之使用及變化 |
The 12th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching (IsTLT-12) 第十二屆臺灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會 |
鄺宇亭 |
2018.07 |
Mandarin-speaking Children's Language Play in Peer Talk |
The LACUS 2018 Conference |
陳筑琬 |
2018.05 |
語料庫研究:「霸」字於台灣之使用 |
The 19th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW 2018) 第十九屆國際漢語詞彙語義學研討會 |
張淑丰 |
2018.03 |
Gender Differences in the Descriptions of Shape |
ICSGSA 2018 : 20th International Conference on Sociology, Gender and Sociological Approaches |
許筱翎(與賴惠玲老師及劉吉軒老師老師共同發表) |
2017.11 |
Near Synonymous Body-Part Terms in Chinese: A Corpus-Based Study |
The 8th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 第八屆數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會 |
許筱翎 |
2017.08 |
Meaning Extensions, Word Component Structures and Their Distributions: Linguistic Usages Containing Body-part Terms Liǎn/Miàn, Yǎn/Mù and Zuǐ/Kǒu in Taiwan Mandarin |
20th International Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue (TSD 2017) 第20屆國際文本、語音、言談研討會 |
陳品宇 |
2017.06 |
Long-distance Wh-movement and long distanced Wh-movement avoidance in L2 English performed by Taiwanese students |
Doing Research in Applied Linguistics 3 / 19th English in South-East Asia Conference 2017 (DRAL 3/19th ESEA) |
陳品宇 |
2017.06 |
Particular tone sandhi phenomena in mid-Taiwan accented Mandarin: evidence form speakers in Nantou, Taiwan |
Chulalongkorn International Student Symposium on Southeast Asian Linguistics 2017 |
胡雪瀅(與鍾曉芳老師合著) |
2016.10 |
網路新興語言<耍>之語意辨析:以批踢踢語料庫為本 |
28th annual Conference on Computational Linguistics and Speech Processing (ROCLING 2016) 第二十八屆自然語言與語音處理研討會 |
胡雪瀅 |
2016.09 |
Exploring CFL learners’ Usage of ranhou in Telling Frog Story |
Pacific Second Language Research Forum 2016 (PacSLRF 2016) |
黃鈺閔 |
2016.08 |
漢語語氣副詞「可」之句法語義介面研究 |
4th International Conference on Chinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR-4) 第四屆漢語作為第二語言研究國際研討會 |
陳筑琬 |
2016.08 |
News as a Medium: Borrowings Adoption by Mandarin Chinese |
43rd Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS) Forum: "Categories and Functions In Language & Cognition" |
吳婉綾 |
2016.08 |
L1, L2, and Working Memory Capacity |
43rd Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States (LACUS) Forum: "Categories and Functions In Language & Cognition" |
田多惠(與蕭宇超老師合著) |
2016.07 |
Phonological patterns of Korean kong-ers in Taiwan Mandarin: a perspective from interlanguage adaption |
The 24th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-24) 國際中國語言學會第二十四屆年會 |
黃鈺閔 |
2016.06 |
A Diachronic Study of Bunun Phonemes |
3rd International Linguistics and Language Conference (LILA'16) |
鄭雯婷 |
2015.08 |
Tone sandhi domain variation of Taiwanese youngsters |
The 48th International Conference on Sino- Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 48) 第四十八屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
鄭雯婷 |
2015.06 |
Tone sandhi domain revisited: a perspective from Taiwanese youngsters |
The 23rd annual conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-23) and 1st International Symposium on Sino-Korean Linguistics (ISSKL) 國際中國語言學學會第二十三屆年會暨第一屆韓漢語言學國際學術會議 |
陳怡臻 |
2015.08 |
Lenition of Shi in Taiwan Mandarin |
The 48th International Conference on Sino- Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 48) 第四十八屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
謝明哲 |
2015.07 |
Effects of interlingual homographs during lexical access in Chinese-Japanese bilinguals |
The 13th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 13) |
許馨云 |
2015.07 |
Chinese Learners' Perception and Production of Spanish Stops |
The 5th Annual Asian Conference on Language Learning (ACLL2015) |
謝明哲 |
2015.06 |
Neural correlates of language control in interlingual homographs during bilingual semantic access |
Organization of Human Brain Mapping 2015 (OHBM 2015) |
唐威洋 |
2014.10 |
Sound symbolism in Mandarin Cute-talk and Japanese Baby-talk |
The 47th International Conference on Sino- Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 47) 第四十七屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
洪聖瑋 |
2014.10 |
Onset Adaptation of French Loanwords in Mandarin |
The 47th International Conference on Sino- Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 47) 第四十七屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
唐威洋、林金燕 |
2014.07 |
A Study of Sound Symbolism: Is i Small Enough to be big |
The 5th International Conference on Phonology and Morphology |
謝明哲 |
2013.06 |
Synonyms are not the same: evidence from Mandarin prepositions |
The 12th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-12) |
楊涵絜 |
2012.10 |
Tone Acquisition in Taiwan Mandarin - the Frequency and Accuracy of Tone in 11- to 15- month- old children |
The 45th International Conference on Sino- Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 45) 第四十五屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
陳景芃 |
2012.10 |
On the Bare Classifier Phrase in Mandarin Chinese |
The 45th International Conference on Sino- Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 45) 第四十五屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
張宇彤 |
2012.08 |
Deictic Functions of Huílái and Huíqù: A Corpus-based and Experimental Study |
The 20th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-20) 國際中國語言學學會第二十屆年會 |
陳煒翰 |
2012.08 |
Tone Sandhi and Merged Tones in Raoping Hakka |
Student Workshop on East Asian Linguistics 2012 (SWEAL-2012) |
陳煒翰 |
2012.08 |
Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Taiwan Liujia Raoping Hakka |
The 20th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-20) 國際中國語言學學會第二十屆年會 |
葉侃彧 |
2012.04 |
The use of suoyi 'so' and jieguo 'as a result' in Mandarin-speaking children's narrative |
The English Linguistic Society of Japan: ELSJ 5th International Spring Forum 第五屆日本英語語言學學會國際春季論壇 |
郭美杏 |
2011.11 |
"I'm the boss": Young children's meta communication strategies in constructing shared meanings in social pretend-play with peers |
2011 Language and Linguistics Student Conference (LLSC) |
張佑丞 |
2011.09 |
On the Epenthetic Vowels in Mandarin Accented English |
GLOW in Asia-Workshop for Young Scholars IX |
呂淑禎 |
2011.09 |
Verbs of Continuation in Mandarin Chinese Chixu, Jixu and Yanxu: Frame and Perspective |
The 12th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) |
郭美杏 |
2011.09 |
Contractions in Taiwan Mandarin |
The 12th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第十二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
陳煒翰 |
2011.07 |
Phonological Alternations of the Schwa-Nasal Rhymes in Taiwanese Accented Mandarin |
The 44th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 44) 第四十四屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
楊婉君 |
2011.07 |
Vowel Lowering in Tainan Zhang Sub-dialect: A Local conjunction Approach |
The 44th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 44) 第四十四屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
郭美杏 |
2011.06 |
Children in arguments with peers: Young children's strategies as Opposer and Opposee |
The 23rd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-23) 第二十三屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
高佩如 |
2011.05 |
語境預測力對中文一詞多義處理歷程的影響:來自眼動研究的證據 |
The 12th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW 2011) 第十二屆漢語詞彙語義學研討會 |
葉侃彧 |
2011.04 |
The use of ranhou 'then' in Mandarin-speaking children's narrative |
5th Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition (CLDC) 第五屆語言、言談與認知國際研討會 |
葉侃彧 |
2011.03 |
The use of ranhou 'then' in Mandarin-speaking children's narrative |
1st Auckland Postgraduate Conference on Linguistics and Applied Linguistics |
葉侃彧 |
2010.11 |
The use of ranhou 'then' in Mandarin-speaking children's narrative |
The 11th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第十一屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
許淨涵 |
2010.11 |
AAB and ABB Reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min |
Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2010) |
錢昱夫 |
2010.11 |
Postnuclear Glides and Coda Nasals in Taiwan Mandarin: Evidence from Experimental Elicitation of Speech Errors |
Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2010) |
石書豪 |
2010.10 |
Monophthongization in the Hualien Accent of Mandarin |
The 43rd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 43) 第四十三屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
錢昱夫 |
2010.09 |
The Production and Perception of Voiceless Retroflex and Dental sibilants in Taiwan Mandarin |
第十九屆國際研究生語言學會議 |
蔡雨倫 |
2010.06 |
A C-Command Approach to the Tone Sandhi of Mandarin Yi |
2010年首爾語言學國際學術研討會 |
曾柏溫 |
2010.05 |
The Analysis of Parting Poetry in Tang Dynasty— The View of Cognition and Metaphor |
4th Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition (CLDC) 第四屆語言、言談與認知學術研討會 |
凌旺楨 |
2009.12 |
從聖詩入樂看華語與音樂之關係 |
第九屆世界華語文研討會 |
黃子權 |
2009.12 |
An OT Analysis of Fricative Onset Labialization in Four Intra-language Variations of Shanghai |
貓空論壇:第一屆國際研究生現代音韻學研討會 |
童啟美 |
2009.12 |
Lateral-Nasal Neutralization in Meinong Hakka: An OT Analysis |
貓空論壇:第一屆國際研究生現代音韻學研討會 |
許淨涵 |
2009.12 |
An OT Analysis of Partial Reduplication Tone Sandhi in Southern Min |
貓空論壇:第一屆國際研究生現代音韻學研討會 |
熊芮華 |
2009.12 |
An OT Analysis of Chinese Raps |
貓空論壇:第一屆國際研究生現代音韻學研討會 |
王麗婷 |
2009.12 |
Adaptation of English Stress into Chinese Tones: A Perspective from Loanwords |
貓空論壇:第一屆國際研究生現代音韻學研討會 |
粘復真 |
2009.12 |
An OT Analysis of Nasal Adaptations in Taiwanese Loanwords |
貓空論壇:第一屆國際研究生現代音韻學研討會 |
凌旺楨 |
2009.12 |
The Phonological-Musical Interaction in Chinese Hymns: An OT Analysis |
貓空論壇:第一屆國際研究生現代音韻學研討會 |
林綠茜 |
2009.12 |
An Optimality Theoretical Analysis of English Clips |
貓空論壇:第一屆國際研究生現代音韻學研討會 |
章明德、葉雯琪、蕭裕台 |
2009.12 |
漢語擬聲詞音韻關係研究 |
第九屆世界華語文研討會 |
蕭裕台、葉雯琪、章明德 |
2009.11 |
A Phonological Analysis of Disyllabic Mandarin Onomatopoeia |
The 42nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 42)第四十二屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
黃子權 |
2009.11 |
Consonant-Tone Interaction in New Shanghai |
The 42nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 42)第四十二屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
童啟美 |
2009.11 |
Against Gemination Integrity: Evidence from Sixian Hakka |
The 42nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 42)第四十二屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
許淨涵 |
2009.11 |
Partial Reduplication Tone Sandhi in Southern Min |
The 42nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 42)第四十二屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
熊芮華 |
2009.11 |
A Corpus Analysis of Chinese Raps |
The 42nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 42)第四十二屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
粘復真 |
2009.11 |
A Corpus-Based Analysis of Coda Insertions in Taiwanese Loanwords |
The 42nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 42)第四十二屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
凌旺楨 |
2009.11 |
The Phonological-Musical Strategies in Textsetting of Chinese Bible Verses: a Corpus-Based Analysis |
The 42nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 42)第四十二屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
凌旺楨 |
2009.07 |
The Mandarin (Reflexive) Pronoun of SELF (zi4ji3) in Bible: A Corpus-based Study |
第五屆語料庫語言學研討會 |
林綠茜 |
2009.04 |
The Competing Strategies in Forming English Blends |
英語語言學春季國際學術研討會 |
陳元翔 |
2009.01 |
Tonal Spreading in Taiwanese Hypocoristic Suffixation |
第二屆理論音韻學研討會暨2009研究生音韻學研討會 |
王曉晴 |
2009.01 |
Taiwanese Prosody in Rock |
第二屆理論音韻學研討會暨2009研究生音韻學研討會 |
粘復真 |
2009.01 |
Reconfiguration in Taiwanese Loanwords |
第二屆理論音韻學研討會暨2009研究生音韻學研討會 |
熊芮華 |
2009.01 |
Rhythmic Parsing in Chinese Raps |
第二屆理論音韻學研討會暨2009研究生音韻學研討會 |
凌旺楨 |
2009.01 |
Lyric Modifications in Mandarin Hymns as a case of Music Template Satisfaction |
第二屆理論音韻學研討會暨2009研究生音韻學研討會 |
王麗婷 |
2009.01 |
Tonal Correspondence in Early Taiwanese Folk Songs |
第二屆理論音韻學研討會暨2009研究生音韻學研討會 |
林綠茜 |
2009.01 |
The Anchoring Types in English Blends |
第二屆理論音韻學研討會暨2009研究生音韻學研討會 |
葉秋杏(與賴惠玲老師合著) |
2008.09 |
Causative constructions with or without causative markers: Cases from Hakka |
The Fifth International Conference on Construction Grammar (ICCG-5) |
巫春慧 |
2008.07 |
Classifier Variation in Mandarin under the Influence of Taiwanese |
18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18) |
甯俐馨、林千哲 |
2008.07 |
Resumptives in Mandarin: Syntactic versus Processing Accounts |
18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18) |
甯俐馨、林千哲 |
2007.12 |
Grammatical and Processing Motivations for Resumptives in Mandarin Relative Clauses |
The 12th International Conference on the Processing of East Asia Related Languages (PEARL) |
張葶葶、甯俐馨、李俊仁、黃潔思 |
2007.12 |
Visual Word Recognition of English as Foreign Language Learners: Word Length Effect in Native Chinese Readers |
The 12th International Conference on the Processing of East Asia Related Languages (PEARL) |
劉冠男 |
2007.12 |
Distributional Information in the Acquisition of Word Class in Mandarin |
The 12th International Conference on the Processing of East Asia Related Languages (PEARL) |
古雅婷 |
2007.12 |
A Study of Children's Re-request in Parent-Child Conversation |
The 12th International Conference on the Processing of East Asia Related Languages (PEARL) |
劉容瑜、王曉晴 |
2007.09 |
The French Accent of Mandarin Tone |
The 40th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 40) 第四十屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
陳元翔、張恆毅 |
2007.09 |
臺灣國語介音和擦音的變異 Glide and Fricative Alternation in the Southern Min Accent of Mandarin |
The 40th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 40) 第四十屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
吳妃容、巫春慧 |
2007.09 |
Some phonological changes in child acquisition |
The 40th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 40) 第四十屆國際漢藏語言暨語言學會議 |
甯俐馨、林千哲 |
2007.09 |
What are Resumptives Good for: Evidence from Mandarin Relative Clauses |
International Conference on Processing Head-final Structures |
林伯仲 |
2007.09 |
Verbal Hygiene in Taiwan Mandarin : Politically Correct Labeling of Social Identities in Media Discourse |
Discourse, Communication and the Enterprise IV |
葉秋杏 |
2007.09 |
Sexism in Hakka Swearwords |
The 5th Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (EACL-5) |
陳慧盈 |
2007.07 |
The Directionality of Phonological and Syntagmatic Lexical Errors In Mandarin Chinese. |
2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR-2007) |
葉秋杏 |
2007.06 |
A Contrastive Perspective on V-not-V Questions in Mandarin and Hakka |
The 8th National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第八屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
陳聰賓 |
2007.05 |
Taiwan Southern Min synonyms |
Multi Development and Application of lannguage and Linguistics 語言多元化發展與應用國際研討會 |
陳慧盈 |
2007.01 |
Meaning Extension of Chi1 『eat' in Mandarin Chinese |
2007 International Conference on Linguistics in Korea (ICLK-2007) |
李詩敏 |
2007 |
Hakka tet4 Revisited : As an Aspectual Shift |
The 8th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW 2007) 第八屆漢語詞彙語義學研討會 |
羅婉君 |
2007 |
Piong3 'put' and its variants Hakka : Frames and Constructions |
The 8th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW 2007) 第八屆漢語詞彙語義學研討會 |
廖珮筠 |
2007 |
Verbs of Removal in Hakka : Integration of Verbal Meanings and Constructions |
The 8th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW 2007) 第八屆漢語詞彙語義學研討會 |
陳菘霖 |
2006.12 |
漢語動詞「生」的基本語義概念及語義發展 |
第四屆台灣華語文教學研討會 |
葉秋杏 |
2006.09 |
An Optimality Theoretical Approach to Reduplication Tone Sandhi in Hai-lu Hakka |
The 39th International Conference on Sino- Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 39)第三十九屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
宋凱琳 |
2006.09 |
The Tonal Harmony in Chinese Rap |
The 39th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 39) 第三十九屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
宋凱琳 |
2006.09 |
The Language Choice Behavior of Paiwan People in Taipei Metropolitan Area |
The 16th Southeast Asian Linguistics Society |
謝雅惠、楊宇婷 |
2006.06 |
A Contrastive Analysis of Shape Classifiers in Mandarin, Japanese and English |
The 18th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-18) 第十八屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
黃婷 |
2006.06 |
The Role of Stress in Mandarin Finger Rhymes |
The 18th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-18) 第十八屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
羅婉君 |
2006.06 |
The Semantic Network of Hakka Modal Verb oi5 |
The 18th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-18) 第十八屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
李怡嫻 |
2006.06 |
A Syntactic and Functional Analysis of Child-direct Speech |
2006兒童語言發展國際研討會 |
謝雅惠 |
2006.05 |
A Taxonomy for Verbs of Hitting in Taiwanese Southern Min |
The 14th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-14) 國際中國語言學學會第十四屆年會 |
黃婷 |
2006.05 |
Rhythmic Diversity: A Corpus Study of Southern Min and Mandarin Finger Rhymes |
The 14th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-14) 國際中國語言學學會第十四屆年會 |
楊宇婷 |
2006.04 |
CHU 出 Construction as a Resultative Construction in Mandarin Chinese |
The 7th Chinese Lexical Semantics Workshop (CLSW 2006) 第七屆漢語詞彙語意學研討會 |
黃婷 |
2006.04 |
The Rhythmic Structure of Chinese Child Verse |
The UNC-Chapel Hill Spring Linguistic Colloquium, 2006 |
羅婉君 |
2006 |
Grammaticalization Evidence from the body-part term du31 ‘belly’ in Hakka |
The 6th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching (IsTLT-6) 第六屆台灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會 |
謝雅惠、簡鈺珊 |
2005.06 |
Japanese Accent of Mandarin: A Segmental Perspective |
The 7th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society of Language Sciences |
高惠珊 |
2005.06 |
Linguistic Manifestation of Human Thinking Process: Evidence from Mandarin Chinese |
2005 International Symposium on Body & Cognition: A Multidisciplinary Perspective Center for Humanities Research |
黃婷、 |
2005.06 |
A Moraic Account for the Glottalized Codas in Japanese and Southern Min |
The 3rd International Conference on Phonology: The Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea |
周奎宜、張碧純 |
2005.06 |
The Tone-Reduplication Interaction in Mandarin: A Lexical-Phonology Perspective |
The 3rd International Conference on Phonology: The Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea |
謝雅惠、簡鈺珊 |
2005.06 |
Japanese Accent of Mandarin: A Segmental Perspective |
The 7th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society of Language Sciences (JSLS 2005) |
王孝慈、魏佩芝 |
2005.05 |
Consonant Distribution as the Key to Vowel Alternation: Evidence from Tungshi Hakka |
The 3rd Seoul International Conference on Phonology |
廖珮筠 |
2005.05 |
Phonological adaptation in accent formation |
The 1st Theoretical Phonology Conference 第一屆理論音韻學研討會 |
黃婷 |
2005.05 |
On two cases of coda-onset harmony |
The 1st Theoretical Phonology Conference 第一屆理論音韻學研討會 |
邱昀儀(與蕭宇超老師共同發表) |
2004.12 |
東勢客語三至四字組變調 |
第二屆漢語方言小型研討會──客家語研究 |
吳耿彰 |
2004.10 |
On The Southern Min Accents of Mandarin in Taiwan : An Optimality Theory Approach |
The 37th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 37) 第三十七屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
陳奕文 |
2004.10 |
An OT Approach To The Mandarin Accent of Taiwanese Southern Min |
The 37th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 37) 第三十七屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
邱昀儀 |
2004.10 |
On The Domain of Tone Sandhi in Tungshi Hakka |
The 37th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 37) 第三十七屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
邱昀儀(與蕭宇超老師共同發表) |
2004.09 |
從東勢客語陽平變調看句法範疇定義之問題 |
第三屆客家學術研討會 |
鄧敦弘 |
2004.06 |
Lexical Mapping in Yami: An Optimality Theoretic Approach |
The Second International Theoretical East Asian Linguistics (TEAL) Workshop |
邱昀儀 |
2004.05 |
Child Phonology Acquisition: A Perspective from Mandarin |
International Child Phonology Conference |
吳耿彰 |
2004.05 |
濃濃閩南語口音之原理探尋:調查所謂的「台灣國語」 |
語言文獻與調查學術研討會 |
陳奕文 |
2004 |
何謂閩南語之「北京腔」?-從五月天唱閩南語歌談起 |
The 5th International Symposium on Taiwanese Languages and Teaching (IsTLT-5) 第五屆台灣語言及其教學國際學術研討會 |
王信斌 |
2003.02 |
When Quality Maxim Competes with Politeness Principle |
The 10th Annual UTA Student Conference in Linguistics (10th UTASCIL-2003) |
柯羽珊 |
2002.11 |
Second Language Syllable Structure Influence on Taiwanese Beginning EFL Learners. |
The 11th international symposium on English teaching and the Fourth Pan Asian Conference |
黃麗華 |
2002.11 |
Mandarin Tone Sandhi: The Third Tone Sandhi of Preposition. |
The 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 35) 第三十五屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
詹益智 |
2002.11 |
Animal Classifiers in Mandarin Chinese and in Hai-lu Hakka. |
The 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 35) 第三十五屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
陳宜伶 |
2002.11 |
Contrastive Analysis on Mandarin and Taiwanese Interrogative Particles. |
The 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 35) 第三十五屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
吳秋慧 |
2002.11 |
Rhythm in Taiwanese Nursery Rhymes. |
The 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 35) 第三十五屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
陳良鳳 |
2002.11 |
The Rhythm of Chinese Raps. |
The 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 35) 第三十五屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
陳建忠 |
2002.11 |
Stress Functions in Chinese and English. |
The 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 35) 第三十五屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
鄭齊兒 |
2002.11 |
The Prosodic Domain of [r] Suffixation in Chinese. |
The 35th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL 35) 第三十五屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
黃麗華 |
2002.10 |
Topic Prominence in Second Language Acquisition-A Study of Chinese EFL Learners' Interlanguage. |
The 30th International Conference Language, Linguistics & The Real World |
徐東伯 |
2002.10 |
French Syllabification. |
The 30th International Conference Language, Linguistics & The Real World |
強舒媺 |
2002.07 |
Verbs of Hitting in Hakka Revisited: A Perspective from Force-Dynamics. |
The 2nd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
王信斌 |
2002.07 |
The Meaning Relatedness of ZOU Constructions in Mandarin. |
The 2nd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
鄭惠文 |
2002.07 |
TA Study of Complement 'Diao'. |
The 2nd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
呂順結 |
2002.07 |
Prosodised Triplication. |
The 2nd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
呂順結 |
2002.04 |
以兩種優選理論方法處理台灣中部的巴則海語重疊詞 |
第二十屆全國聲韻學學術研討會論文 |
方智緯 |
2002.04 |
台灣閩南語音節連併之讀音差異:優選理論分析 |
第二十屆全國聲韻學學術研討會 |
呂順結 |
2002.02 |
Correspondence in Budai Rukai Reduplication. |
The 9th Annual UTA Student Conference in Linguistics (9th UTASCIL-2002) |
方智緯 |
2002.02 |
Tone Contraction in Taiwan Southern Min: An Optimality Theory Approach. |
The 9th Annual UTA Student Conference in Linguistics (9th UTASCIL-2002) |
黃麗華 |
2002 |
Existential Sentences in Chinese and in English. |
國立政治大學九十學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
呂順結 |
2002 |
Rightward Reduplication in Formosan languages |
國立政治大學九十學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
鄭惠文 |
2002 |
Chinese Children's Use of The Mutual Exclusivity Constraint. |
The 47th Annual Conference of International Linguistic Association |
陳郁彬 |
2002 |
What Do Children Want To Tell Us About 'That'?: How Children Use The Demonstrative Na-(ge) in Mandarin Chinese. |
The 47th Annual Conference of International Linguistic Association |
陳怡君 |
2001.10 |
The Pragmatic Function of Interruption in "Romance Love Story" |
The 34th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 34) 第三十四屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
呂順結 |
2001.10 |
Prosodic Morphology of Quadrisyllabic Words in Mandarin and Southern Min. |
The 34th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics 第三十四屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
陳郁彬 |
2001.10 |
The Pragmatic Functions of O in Mandarin Spoken Discourse. |
The 34th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 34) 第三十四屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
方智緯 |
2001.10 |
Syllable Contraction as a Case of Monconcative Morphology in Southern Min |
The 34th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 34) 第三十四屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
張清秀 |
2001.07 |
Semantic Analysis on The Modal Verb "Hui" in Mandarin Chinese. |
The 2nd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
曾慧馨 |
2001.07 |
從語料庫中看動詞行為預測因素 |
The 2nd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
陳怡君 |
2001.07 |
〈台灣自然手語複合詞的中心語:以名詞和動詞為例〉 |
The 2nd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL). National Tsinghua University. 第二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
張彩芳 |
2001.07 |
Glide Formation as a Result of Morphological Blocking: An Optimality Theory Approach To Syllable Contraction in Hai-lu Hakka. |
The 2nd National Conference on Linguistics (NCL) 第二屆全國語言學論文研討會 |
吳貞慧 |
2001.06 |
Syllable Structure in Tsou. |
The 10th International Conference of Chinese Linguistics and the 13th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (ICCL-10/ NACCL-13) 國際中國語言學學會第十屆年會暨第十三屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
鄭惠文 |
2001.05 |
The Subordinates' Usage of Address Toward The Superiors in Chinese. |
The 11th Annual Meeting of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society |
陳怡君 |
2001.05 |
Pragmatic Functions of Interruption in Mandarin Chinese Conversation. |
The 11th Annual Meeting of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society |
張彩芳 |
2001.05 |
Pre-nucleus Glides in Hai-lu Hakka. |
The 7th International and The 19th National Conferences on Chinese Phonology 第七屆國際暨第十九屆全國聲韻學研討會 |
楊心蕙 |
2001.02 |
A Corpus-based Approach in Chinese Learners' English De-lexicalised Verb Acquisition. |
The 8th Annual UTA Student Conference in Linguistics (8th UTASCIL-2001) |
方智緯 |
2001 |
An Optimality Theory Approach To Syllable Contraction in Southern Min. |
國立政治大學八十九學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
劉秋雲 |
2001 |
Language Use and Ethnic Identity of The Bunun: Pasikau Village as an Example. |
國立政治大學八十九學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
楊心蕙 |
2001 |
The Manipulation of English Verb Meaning and Usage by Chinese Learners. |
國立政治大學八十九學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
張彩芳 |
2001 |
An Optimality Theory Approach To Hai-lu Hakka Tone Sandhi. |
國立政治大學八十九學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
張彩芳 |
2001 |
Syllable Structure of Hai-lu Hakka: The Division of Pre-nuclear Glides and Post-nuclear Glides. |
The 11th Annual Meeting of Southeast Asian Linguistics Society. Bangkok. |
李台元、方智緯 |
2000.10 |
Reduplication in Optimality Theory: Evidence from Amis. |
The 33rd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 33) 第三十三屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
林秋萍 |
2000.10 |
Glottal Stops in Taiwanese and Japanese: An Optimality Approach. |
The 33rd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 33) 第三十三屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
張彩芳 |
2000.10 |
Hai-lu Hakka Shang Tone Sandhi in Optimality Theory Framework. |
The 33rd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 33) 第三十三屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
陳如慧 |
2000.06 |
The Core Meaning of Hakka Yu: a Hierarchical Point of View |
The 9th International Conference of Chinese Linguistics (ICCL-9) 國際中國語言學學會第九屆年會 |
林蕙珊 |
2000.05 |
從優選理論來談國語的三聲變調 (An optimality Theoretic Approach To Mandarin Tone Sandhi) |
第十八屆全國聲韻學學術研討會論文集 |
林蕙珊 |
2000.04 |
Interlanguage Tone Sandhi: Rule Interaction in Mandarin-Min Code-Mixing. |
The 12nd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-12) 第十二屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
陳瓊玉 |
2000 |
以「輔音」為例談「語音表義」在英語字彙教學上之啟示 |
國立政治大學八十八學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
陳瓊玉 |
2000 |
以「字首輔音群」為例談「語音表義」在英語字彙教學上之啟示 |
第十七屆中華民國英語文教學研討會 |
鄭智仁 |
2000 |
English Loanword Truncation in Japanese: An Optimality Theoretic Approach |
國立政治大學八十八學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
鄭智仁 |
2000 |
〈從傳統與現代音韻學的角度看日語中的英語外來語〉 |
跨世紀、跨文化、跨語言--現代與傳統研討會論文集 |
鄭智仁 |
2000 |
The Emergence of The Unmarked Foot in Japanese Loanword Truncation |
The 2000 National Student Conference on Linguistics. |
林千哲 |
2000 |
Dictionary meanings, subjects' intuition, and linguistic senses: Different versions of The same story? |
國立政治大學八十八學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
陳如慧 |
2000 |
The Meaning of Hakka Yu: From Possession To Aspect |
國立政治大學八十八學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
陳如慧 |
2000 |
From Possession To Aspect: A Semantic Exploration of Hakka Yu. |
The 2000 National Student Conference on Linguistics. |
吳貞慧‧廖昭媛 |
2000 |
An Optimality Approach To Southern Min and Spanish Gemination. |
The 33rd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 33) 第三十三屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
楊心蕙 |
2000 |
The Manipulation of English Word Meaning by Senior High School Students in Taiwan. |
International Language in Education Conference 2000 |
楊心蕙 |
2000 |
How University Students in Taiwan Feel about Error Correction of English in Class. |
The 2000 National Student Conference on Linguistics. |
吳思葶 |
2000 |
The Heads and Modifiers in Mandarin Subcomparative Phrases: Focus On N1 de N bi N2 de N +VP. |
臺灣南針 政大研究生學術研討會論文 |
林蕙珊 |
2000 |
Strata Ordering: An Optimality Theoretic Account. |
The 2000 National Student Conference on Linguistics |
林蕙珊 |
2000 |
以優選理論談國台語夾雜的連讀變調 (An Optimality Theoretic Approach To Tone Sandhi in Mandarin-Taiwanese Code-Mixing) |
第六屆世界華語文教學研討會論文. 世界華文教育協會 |
林蕙珊 |
1999.09 |
Interlanguage Tone Sandhi: Evidence From Mandarin-Min Code-Mixing. |
The 11th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-11) 第十一屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
郭令育 |
1999.02 |
Mandarin Loanword Phonology and Optimality Theory: Evidence from Transliterated American State Names and Typhoon Names |
The 13th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan |
陳瓊玉 |
1999 |
語音表義在字彙教學上的啟示-以元音為例 |
The Proceeding of The Eighth International Symposium on English Teaching. |
林千哲 |
1999 |
詞彙語意演變—研究方法、認知語意學觀點及個案分析 |
陳百年先生學術論文獎 |
林蕙珊 |
1999 |
國台語夾雜時的連讀變調 (Third Tone Sandhi in Mandarin-Min Code-mixing) |
第六屆國際暨第十七屆全國聲韻學學術研討會論文集 |
林蕙珊 |
1999 |
An Optimality-Theoretic Approach To Taiwanese Tone Sandhi. |
The 32nd International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 32) 第三十二屆漢藏語言暨語言學國際研討會 |
郭令育 |
1999 |
Consonant Duration in The Speech of Taiwanese Neurogenic Dysarthrics. |
The 4th Conference on Phonetics and Phonology in China, Institute of Acoustics Academia |
尹承俊 |
1998.10 |
Phonological development of Phonologically-disordered monozygotic Twins: a Case study |
The 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Speech, Language and Hearing. Hong Kong. |
尹承俊 |
1998.07 |
Twin language in Mandarin: secret language or linguistic disorder? |
The Annual Conference of the Australian Linguistics Society |
尹承俊 |
1998.06 |
Language attitude and language shift in Taiwan: a sociolinguistic study of The Southern Min dialect |
The 9th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics |
郭令育 |
1998.03 |
A Constraint-based Analysis To Yami Reduplication. |
The 5th Annual Meeting of The Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association. University |
尹承俊 |
1998 |
Developmental dysphasia of Mandarin-speaking monozygotic Twins: a Case study |
Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-7)/ The Tenth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACL-10) 第七屆國際中國語言學學會第十屆年會暨第十屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
郭令育 |
1998 |
Prosodic Cues and Given/New Information in Mandarin Speech |
The Conference on Phonetics of The Languages in China, City University of Hong Kong |
林千哲 |
1998 |
Syllable duration in spontaneous speech of Mandarin |
Proceedings of 1997 National Conference on English/American Literature and Linguistics. 47-64. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. |
林千哲 |
1998 |
Interruptions as a reflection of solidarity and Power: A study of Cross examinations in Chinese Competitive debates |
國立政治大學八十六學年度研究生研究成果發表會論文集 |
郭令育 |
1998 |
An Optimality Approach To Yami Reduplication |
The 7th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL-7)/ The Tenth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACL-10) 第七屆國際中國語言學學會第十屆年會暨第十屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
郭令育 |
1998 |
A Prosodic-Morphology Approach To Yami Reduplication |
Proceedings of 1998 National Conference on English/American Literature and Linguistics, ed. Lillian M. Huang, 137-53. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. |
郭令育 |
1998 |
Functional Frequency and Given/New Information' A Preliminary Study |
Proceedings of 1997 National Conference on English/American Literature and Linguistics, ed. Lillian M. Huang, 113-26. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. |
尹承俊 |
1997 |
雙胞胎之語言問題:個案研究 |
中華民國聽力語言學會第五屆學術研討會. 台北榮民總醫院 |
尹承俊 |
1997 |
同卵雙胞胎的語言發展問題:個案研究 |
《聽語會刊》13 : 61-78 |
盧廣誠 |
1997 |
國語的「有」字句在台灣的使用情形及其社會意涵 |
台灣語言發展學術研討會論文集. 253-68 |
歐淑珍 |
1997 |
從韻律音韻學看台灣閩南語的輕聲現象 |
《聲韻論叢》第七輯. 學生書局. |
林千哲 |
1997 |
Chinese word association: A study of The Primary responses among Taiwanese College students |
The 6th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (ICCL-6) 國際中國語言學學會第六屆年會 |
林千哲 |
1997 |
Chinese word association and Teaching Chinese words |
第五屆世界華與文教學研討會論文集,教學應用組—上冊. 21-32. 世界華文教育協會 |
林千哲 (與Wei, W., and Huang,C.合著) |
1997 |
Mandarin Pseudo- ditransitive verbs |
The 9th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, (NACCL-9) 第九屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
陳雅玫 |
1997 |
閩南語重疊副詞的變調分析:從「儉儉仔」談起 |
《聲韻論叢》第七輯. 學生書局.亦刊登於《第四屆國際第十三屆全國聲韻學學術研討會論文集, 1995》 |
歐淑珍 |
1996 |
再論台灣閩南語的特殊變調:-a後綴的層級排列 |
第五屆國際暨第十四屆全國聲韻學學術研討會論文集 |
盧廣誠 |
1996 |
台閩語虛詞的特殊變調 |
第五屆國際暨第十四屆全國聲韻學學術研討會論文集. |
歐淑珍 |
1995.10 |
The Semantics and Prosody of Reduplicative Adjectives in Southern Min. |
The 28th International Conference on Sino-Tibetin Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 28) 第二十八屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
陳雅玫 |
1995.10 |
The Tonal Behavior of The Agent-Oriented Adverbs in Southern Min Discourse. |
The 28th International Conference on Sino-Tibetin Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 28) 第二十八屆國際漢藏語暨語言學研討會 |
陳雅玫 |
1995.06 |
The Syntax-Semantics Mismatch as a Clue of Adverbial Tonal Phrasing in Southern Min. |
The 4th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics (ICCL-4) and The 7th North America Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-7). University of Wisconsin. 國際中國語言學學會第四屆年會暨第七屆北美漢語語言學會議 |
陳雅玫 |
1995.06 |
Parameterizing Adverbial Tonal Operations in Southern Min: A Semantic-Discourse Account |
The 2nd International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan |
歐淑珍 |
1995 |
Reanalyzing Special Tone Sandhi in Southern Min: A Prosodic Account. |
The Annual Meeting of Chinese Language Teachers Association |